A Reverse Mortgage And A Home Equity Conversion: What To Know

If you are getting ready to retire, you need to make sure you have income to support yourself during your golden years. One popular option is a reverse mortgage, and you can use it to supplement the benefits you receive through Social Security. On the other hand, you may have also heard about a home equity conversion mortgage. What are the differences between them, and which one is right for you?

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Using Your Equity To Buy Another House: What To Consider

Buying a home is a dream that many people want to make come true. At the same time, many people dream of buying a second home. Perhaps you are looking for a rental property. Maybe you are looking for a vacation home. Regardless, you might be wondering how you can come up with the necessary cash to finance this dream. You might even be thinking about tapping into the equity in your current home to make that happen. It could be your down payment for your second house, but what do you need to know?

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How Your Home Equity Can Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals

If you plan on retiring soon, you are probably looking at a few options that can get you over the hump. You are probably excited to start a new phase of life. With a record number of people closing in on their retirement age, many are starting to assess their resources to make sure they have enough money to last them for the rest of their lives.

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