Tired of Waiting for Summer? 3 DIY Projects That Will Keep You Busy Until the Weather Warms Up

Do you find yourself staring out the window, longing for an early sunrise, hot days and late evenings? With spring just around the corner, it might feel like summer is a lifetime away. However, the good news is that you can be productive around the home while you wait for summer to arrive. Let's take a quick look at three easy do-it-yourself projects that will keep you busy until the summer sun is shining.

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Graduating From College? 3 Things You Need to Know About Mortgages and Student Loans

Are you thinking about buying a new home using a mortgage loan? If you've just graduated from college, you're probably wondering how your student loans will impact a mortgage and what your options are. In today's post we'll share three things that you need to know about mortgages if you're still working on paying off your student loan debt.

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Five Unique Renovations That Can Make Small Living Spaces Feel Bigger

Just because you live in a small space doesn't mean your home needs to feel cramped. There are several renovations that are popular among interior designers to make a space feel larger. Incorporate them into your own home to give it a more open, spacious feel.

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DIY Home Projects: Creating a Study Space That Will Help Your Children Stay Focused

If you're a parent of school-aged children, you've likely been concerned with their study habits at some point. Sitting down in front of the television or at the dinner table to crack open the books is going to be less efficient than doing so in a quieter, more productive work space. Let's explore how to create a study space that will help keep your children focused and on task.

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